The Violin Recital

It was a cloudy, cold afternoon. Janie had been practicing for months and her time had finally come for her grand performance. This was the biggest and most pressure filled violin performance of her thirteen-year-old life. She grabbed her pendent and wrapped it around her neck, a device which enabled Janie to stop time and travel back in time. Her items were scattered around the apartment so she quickly got dressed, grabbed her violin case and music and hurried out the door.

The concert would be held at the largest concert hall in the dense urban city. She would be playing with the cities finest professional musicians, all of which were much older than her. Janie and her mom got in the car and traveled down to the music venue. Janie knew the importance of the performance; it was her first big solo in front of a large audience and she was very nervous. As Janie and her mom pulled up to the back of the concert hall the building grew larger in size. The building resonated a powerful energy. Janine closed the car door and entered the building. Inside the building the other musicians were getting ready for the performance, they were backstage tuning their instruments, talking about the songs they were going to play, and becoming mentally prepared to perform. Janie quickly got out her violin and began tuning, before she could finish tuning a man from the stage shouted “ALIGHT IT’S SHOWTIME EVERYONE” the musicians led by the conductor filed onto the stage.

Before the performance started the conductor gave a small speech about the music the group would be playing, this gave Janie the opportunity to catch her breath before the performance. After a long boring speech about the history of music the performance was finally ready to start. Janie took her place and stood in front of the other musicians and they started playing. The first piece was a pretty straightforward brisk, bright song and Janie played it perfectly. The next few songs went by like a breeze for Janie. Finally, the song Janie had been waiting for was up next, Winters Night. Winters Night was an extremely difficult piece. Janie was responsible for playing a long difficult solo in the middle of the song. The musicians began tensely playing the piece working their hardest to play the notes of the extremely challenging piece. The music got louder and louder and gradually even more loud until it was silent. Janie grabbed her pendant and stopped time. She had done this many times before, used her magically ability for her own use. She began playing then resumed the forward progress of time. She made a long loud screeching sound on her violin, it was totally unexpected, the conductor looked at her with a look of shock and the rest of the group joined in and the crowd erupted in applause. Janie had nailed the solo and finished the rest of the song. At the end of the concert Janie bowed to the audience and tucked her magic pendant necklace under her shirt.

By Sam Price

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